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益福生醫延續「榮神益人」的社訓精神,在台北市政府產發補助的公益回饋項目下,贊助衛福部臺北醫院醫療人員 1000 盒「益啟樂 PS128 快樂益生菌膠囊」,盡微薄之力為辛苦抗疫一整年守護國人健康的前線英雄加油打氣,幫助舒緩壓力及睡眠品質。

捐贈儀式上由集團執行長鄭勝德親自交付 PS128益生菌 予醫院高層代表,建立深厚情誼。



​益福生醫股份有限公司 | 精神益生菌

This website is intended only for business or research professionals. The information is not for the final consumer. Our products are not for diagnosing, preventing, treating, nor curing disease. The information on this site is based on our research and development and is reliable to the best of our knowledge. It should not replace any form of professional medical advice. Regulations may vary in each market, and producers and marketers should confer with local resources or authorities to verify local regulatory requirements.

©2023 Bened Biomedical  ​益福生醫股份有限公司

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